
Shabbylishious Design on Facebook and Etsy

Shabbylishious zibbetshop, were it is easy for all nationalities to buy something. Safe payment trough Paypal.  Here you find awesome craftsupllies and some of my work.

Shabbylishious Design on Etsy

My facebook group is a nice place to get updates from.

Shabbylishious Design on facebook

2 kommentarer:

  1. I always have much fun and happiness looking at your creations. You are very talented.

  2. Dear Lele,
    Thank you so much for sending your information.
    This is my first challenge ever.
    My name is originally from Russia and has a meaning : HOPE.
    I at the other hand was born in Curacao in the tropics.
    I will try to introduce myself as I enter my video for your Christmas challenge.
    Love your work and inspirations !
    Nadezhda Marchena


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